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Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9, 2016 What Up?

Dear Family!

It was so great to see you guys! I just want that it was so fun to talk to you guys! You're looking great! Sorry I didn't get super spiritual I guess during our talk, I felt a little bit bad about that. I guess It was too easy for me to start goofing around with you guys haha! I'm so happy we are a family that can just sit and laugh even though we haven't been together for such a long time! 

I just wanted to share with you guys that I know what I'm doing out here is right. I know I was called of God to come serve here in Denmark. People told me before I left, while I've been out here, and probably will after how hard it must be to do missionary work in Denmark. The truth is I love Denmark. I don't think I would trade this place for anywhere in the world to serve my mission. Right now I drive through these rolling green hills covered with fields of brillaint yellow flowers under the brightest bluest sky you could imagine and I just love it. Someday far in the future I'm probably going to see a picture of those golden fields and just start crying. Sometimes stuff is hard but I'm convinced that there isn't a mission in the world that isn't hard sometimes. Life is just hard sometimes but I'm so blessed, I've had it really really easy. I have met so many amazing wonderful people out here, both in the church and out of the church. They have had a huge influence on me! They mean so so much to me and I care so much about them. ( især dig i Århus :) ) I've learned a ton and grown a ton because of them. I'm so thankful I got sent halfway around the world just to meet them. Another thing is that the church is true. Even in Denmark. The Gospel of Jesus Christ works even in a wealthy first world country! The members here are amazing and the church is built on converts. If not themselves than thier parents or grandparents. It's amazing to hear thier testimonies! It strengthens mine. The work is going forward here and it will keep going forward. I love it.

I love you guys so much!
Ældste McBride

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