This was just an awesome week! Time is just cruising by! Everytime I sit down to write lately I just think 'oh my gosh has it really been a week??' Elder Weese and I are doing great here in Holbæk still and having a blast! We had some great stuff happen this week!
On Friday I got asked to give a 10 min talk for Sacrament meeting! The topic was really cool "Successes and Fiascos in Missionary work". To get ready I took a trip down memory lane and thought of all the crazy disasters and the amazing successes I have seen out here! I didn't even get through the first 3 months before I realized I had to much material already for the talk haha. I decided to share the disaster of Karneval in Aalborg. I don't remember how much I told you but you probably remember the giant party in the streets and stuff right? Well the story I shared was of how we were biking through the city trying to get away from the partiers and I ran over a big piece of glass and destroyed my tire and then Elder Bateman kept going for a little while because he was in front and couldn't hear. So for just a little while I was totally alone, only a couple minutes but they felt like a looooong two minutes, surrounded by crazy Danes in costumes on their way to party! That was nuts haha. The success I shared was an awesome investigator we started teaching way back when in Aalborg! It was a really fun talk to prepare and give! It went a ton better than the time I had to give a talk in Aarhus haha. I seriously got to remember so many fun adventures and stories in Aalborg and Odense and Aarhus! I love all those places so much! I can't wait to see what adventures are still in store.
I closed my talk by saying how I've learned to be thankful for both the successes and the challenges we experience. Even the disasters. I wouldn't trade any of it for anything! You need to have both and love both and thats when life gets really fun!
Anyway no "staycations" for us this week but I love you guys and hope you have a blast! What's the temperature in AZ now anyway? Are you melting? It's weird that Cole hangs out with girls now. A lot changes when you're on a mish!
Ældste McBride
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Sometimes you just gotta take it easy at the end of the day!
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Elder Weese barricaded me in the kitchen while I was making calls! (We are thinking this place looks way too nice to be a missionary apartment!)